Beacon Hill Public School

Be proud to achieve

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Beacon Hill has three magnificent bands which accompany the school at functions and perform for a variety of audiences including, retirement villages and festivals.

The Junior, Intermediate and Concert Bands have rehearsals weekly in the MPC.

Being part of a band is a wonderful experience for all children. No prior musical experience is needed to join the Junior Band. During their time in the band your child will learn to play an instrument, read music and work together with their friends to produce wonderfully energetic, exciting and melodic sounds. The many skills they learn (such as increased concentration and self-discipline) carry over into all parts of their lives. Most importantly, they have lots of fun!

Students can participate in Band in Year 3 to Year 6 and they may select to play one of the following instruments: flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto and tenor saxophone, euphonium, French horn, trumpet, trombone, bass guitar, keyboard or percussion.

Why play?

Playing in a band can contribute to a student's non-musical development in many ways. These may include:

  • Increased concentration and focus.
  • Increased self-confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Striving for excellence.
  • Creative problem solving.
  • Participation in bands equates with higher, maths, science and language results.

The main aims of the band program are:

  • To ensure that all students' participation in the band is a happy and memorable experience.
  • To give every student the opportunity to play a musical instrument regardless of their musical experience.
  • To help students develop an appreciation and understanding of a wide range of musical styles.
  • To encourage social interaction with fellow students of various ages.
  • To encourage a sense of responsibility and commitment to themselves, the school and the band.

The band structure

The band and its program is managed by the Band Committee - a sub-committee of the Parents & Citizens Association of Beacon Hill Public School.

The Band Committee employs the Band Director, whose role is to develop the students' musical skills through rehearsals, performances, the band workshops and a range of other activities and functions throughout the year.

The Committee's role is to plan and facilitate all band activities in conjunction with the school.
There are fees which apply to this extra curricula activity. They are structured to cover costs of the director's salary, music, workshops, equipment and other related expenses such as repair to instruments. Instruments can be hired at reasonable rates.

Students are required to attend band rehearsals, usually twice a week.

Band workshops

Band Workshops are one of the highlights of the year. The band members learn an amazing amount of music and at the same time have a great social experience.

Workshops are non-residential and are held on the weekend at the school in Term 1 for Junior Band and Term 2 for all Bands.  Workshops are organised and run by parent volunteers with musical tuition provided by our Band Director and additional specialist tutors. It comprises two days of intensive rehearsals and tutorials, often achieving as much progress in one weekend as a whole term's effort.

But it's not all hard work. There are plenty of social and sporting activities, making it a very enjoyable two days.

More Information

For more information about our Band program, please contact our Band Secretary via email:

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