The Band is provided by the P&C and is run by a sub-committee of parent volunteers. The P&C employs a part time Musical Director for the Bands but we still rely on volunteers to help with various aspects of rehearsals and performances, and to participate in managing the service through the Committee functions.
Joining the Band
Students are invited to join the band in Year 3 and 4, or even beyond. During Term 4, the bands will perform a concert for years 2 and 3 and the instruments will be demonstrated. Your child will then have the opportunity to try the instruments and make a first, second and third choice of instrument. The band directors will allocate an instrument to students based on their preferences, their physical ability and balancing the overall needs of the band’s composition.
Students may select to play one of the following instruments: flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto and tenor saxophone, euphonium, French horn, trumpet, trombone, bass guitar, keyboard or percussion.
If your child joins the Band, there is an annual fee. You will also be required to pay for weekly one-on-one tutorial lessons for your child and these typically range from $15 to $35 per half hour session.
All members of the band are required to participate in the annual Band Workshop which is held at school over a weekend in May. Parents are often surprised and impressed at the dramatic improvement in students after the Band Workshop and it is a wonderful experience for all involved.
Joining the Band requires a commitment to weekly individual lessons, weekly rehearsals and regular performances. Some performances may be outside of school hours.
Getting involved
As with any volunteer committee, parent help is vital. There are many ways to get involved and your involvement sends a message to your child that you value the time and effort they put into their music.
- Rehearsals: The parents of all students are expected to help at rehearsals at least once per term. The presence of a parent helper at rehearsals helps with supervision, allowing the Band Director to focus on musical development. A roster is distributed at the start of the year, on which parents can indicate suitable times. Parents do not need musical experience.
- Performances: At the various performances throughout the year parents are always needed to help set up/clear away/transport instruments, set out chairs, hand out uniforms etc.
- Band Committee: All parents are welcome to attend the Band Committee meetings, which are held on Week 3 and 7 of every term.
- Supporting Your Child: This is the most important way to be involved! Your child needs constant support and encouragement to keep practising and to ensure that they attend all rehearsals and performances.
Communication with parents
Email is the main means of communication with band parents so please make sure you fill in your email address on the application form.
The Band is an important service to our school but we do not operate it as a fundraiser. In fact, it is typically quite challenging for the Band to be financially self-sustaining. It is important that all parents pay their band fees on time.
If you have any questions or feedback about the Band you can pop a note in the Band mail box in the office.