Beacon Hill Public School

Be proud to achieve

Telephone02 9451 6328

Parent and citizens association

Welcome to the Beacon Hill Parents and Citizens Association

Our school's Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) is a well supported organisation that meet twice a term on a Tuesday evening at 7.30pmĀ in the school library.

The aim of the P&C is to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and staff into close co-operation and to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school.

There are a number of sub-committees, which provide a service to the school community or help guide particular programs. All sub-committees report their activities to the P&C meeting.

Find out more about our P&C

Please follow the link to view the P&C's website to find out the most up-to-date information.


You are always welcome to contact any member of the P&C with a question or suggestion which can be raised on your behalf at the meeting. You could also drop a note in the P&C mailbox or email the secretary.

Remember, without your help we cannot continue to provide our wonderful services and activites!